Serving 400+ airports

AIRPORT services

We handle everything from departures, arrivals, connections, lounges, and more.


Departure Services

Our flexibility accredits us to fulfill your every need. Your flight is monitored frequently. In the event of a delay or cancellation you will be promptly notified and presented with possible alternatives. Alpha Priority takes the hassle out of all airport procedures with a team of highly experienced and well-connected airport concierges that are available anytime.

  • Coordination with chauffeur

  • Pre-boarding pass issuance and pre-reserved seating

  • Expedited check-in

  • Airport security fast-track

  • Escort to terminal lounge and departure gate

  • Baggage porters available upon request

 Arrival Services

We employ a network of Airport Greeters to meet you outside the terminal curbside or upon arrival at aircraft gate and assist with your bags.

  • Passengers are met at aircraft gate

  • Full assistance through security and immigration

  • Escort to terminal lounge as well as departure gate

  • Baggage porters available upon request

  • Lost baggage retrieval and home delivery


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 Connection Services

Our concierge services include flight monitoring, security fast-track, full assistance through customs & immigrations.

  • Flight monitoring

  • Escort through airport from gate to gate

  • Ensuring luggage connects

 Baggage Services

In the event your checked bags do not arrive on your flight, reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that the bag is returned to you within 24 hours. Our representatives will contact you periodically to keep you informed of our progress in locating your baggage. After locating your luggage, we then deliver it to your hotel or home.

making sure your baggage is handled properly is important to us. if your bag gets delayed or lost, we will work to return it to you promptly.

Alpha Priority takes the hassle out of all airport procedures with a team of highly experienced and well-connected airport concierges that are available anytime.


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We’re constantly improving club offerings to provide you with more benefits and convenience while waiting to board. Whether you want to check your email, make a quick phone call, grab a cup of coffee and a snack, we make it available.

  • Internet Access

  • Newspapers & Magazines

  • Flight information

  • Food, bar, and refreshments

  • Luxury seating and atmosphere